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Welcome to ACC's Book Club Series! 

We're kicking off 2025 with a new book club series! ACC is excited to host a book club session during each quarter of this year. We'd love for you to join us as we read and discuss refugee-centered books - exploring perspectives and fostering our shared goal of bringing together diverse communities in the spirit of welcoming. 

Please use the form below to RSVP for our first book club session and to share suggestions for future books and meeting spaces!

2025 Book Club Meeting
Friday, February 28th: 10:00am-11:30am @ACC's Office (925 S. Niagara St. Ste 200, Denver, CO 80224)

Butterfly is the inspiring story of how one woman saved fellow refugees from drowning―and how she went on to become an Olympic swimmer.

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RSVP to attend Book Club Session #1, February 28th, 2025 *
Reading: Butterfly by Yusra Mardini
Do you have any book suggestions for future book clubs? 
Criteria: Focused on refugee/immigrant stories, can be fiction or non-fiction, easily accessible (available to purchase at book stores, Amazon, etc)
Would you be interested in leading a book club discussion? 
Bring discussion questions and facilitate conversation about the book and what we can take beyond the story as we support refugees and immigrants.
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Are you interested in hosting a book club or do you have an idea of where we should host one?
Anything else you'd like us to know?  (This could include days of the week or times of day that you would be available to meet.)
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